Jim Holsomback MA, ABT

McLean Hospital Supporting families in recovery

Jim Holsomback serves as the director of Marketing and Clinical Outreach for McLean Hospital. He previously served as the director of adolescent clinical education and has extensive experience working with adolescents and families and with psychiatric programs and hospitals across the country. His leadership role in clinical outreach provides an opportunity to continue working with clinicians to provide awareness and access to services for families, nationally and internationally.

Jim has a particular interest in working with adolescent and families that have experienced trauma and have exhibited trauma-related behaviors that preclude them from accessing their personal, academic, and professional strengths. He finds assisting family systems understand and access evidence-based treatment to help patients and families regain their interests, relationships, and lives is particularly rewarding.

He  has earned a BA in Psychology, University of Rochester (1994) and MA (ABT) in Child Development, Tufts University (1997).


Supporting Families in Recovery To Build More Resilient Family Systems
Family systems tirelessly work to support their loved ones struggling with substance use disorders and the comorbid disorder that often accompany addiction, such as depression, anxiety, self-harm and trauma.  While families strive to compassionately help loved ones in need, they often experience and exhibit compassion fatigue and are at high risk for developing trauma and/or PTSD.  This talk aims to explore how providers can assess the family system and needs while teaching tools that help maintain a family system’s resiliency to be healthier caregivers for themselves as well as their loved one in recovery
Learning Objectives:
  1. Provide brief review of research around trauma and suicide across geographic and age populations
  2. Show the importance of providing skills and support for family systems to help build resilience for themselves as well as their loved one in recovery
  3. Identify the primary and secondary trauma symptoms and PTSD that family members can exbibit when their loved one struggles with substance use and/or life-threatening behaviors