Building adolescent recovery capital

Youth with a problem with alcohol and drug use need a variety of supports for successful recovery. The Recovery Capital for Adolescents Model is a developmentally-appropriate framework for identifying assets and addressing barriers to support youth’s treatment and recovery from alcohol and drug misuse. This presentation will provide an overview of the RCAM.

Collected across several research studies, the reflections and experiences of adolescents and their parents will be used to illustrate the RCAM and detail specific community support models to
(1) address recovery barriers and enhance personal and social recovery assets for youth with substance use disorders; and
(2) empower families of youth to support the recovery of their young person.

Learning objectives: At the end of this presentation, delegates will be able to:

Describe the RCAM and identify sources of youth recovery capital
Describe strategies to build youth recovery capital by involving youth in recovery supports, such as alternative peer groups
Identify ways that parents can be involved to help build youth recovery capital.
