Build resilient family systems for adolescents & young adults 

Treatment resources and support (understandably!) are frequently allocated to the adolescent or young adult who is struggling with substance use and self-harming behaviors with little to no attention to the family system that will help support the person in treatment.  Families are left with little time for their own healing and, often, are less capable of being the vibrant, engaged support that patients require most in early recovery.  Providers can compassionately intervene with family systems to teach family members how to create healthy, supportive systems that experience themselves as strong, engaged and resilient for their loved ones..

Learning objectives: At the end of this presentation, delegates will be able to:

  • Identify the primary and secondary trauma symptoms and PTSD that family members can exbibit when their loved one struggles with substance use and/or life-threatening behaviours
  • Demonstrate strategies that help support family systems and create more engaged and healthy support system for patients in need
  • Understand the importance of compassion, validation and empathy as intrapersonal and interpersonal skills that support long-term patient and family recovery.
